
Using The Mind-Body Connection To Get Better (Part 2)

chiropractor recommends using the mind-body connection

Last week, I explained why I think there is a connection between your mind and your health. Now let’s get practical and talk about how we can use that to our advantage.

Here are the two sides of the mind-body connection as it relates to our overall health:

1. There are physical patterns that emerge with different mental stresses people experience. In my life, reducing my stress is step number one. But when these symptoms remain, chiropractic treatment has always been a source of relief and resolution for me. I have seen it work this way with many others, and recognizing the physical patterns associated with stress (which are very similar to physical trauma to the area) has helped me bring relief and resolution to my patients.

As a doctor, I will address your physical presentations. I adjust the spine or extremities to restore proper movement and function. I may also address your posture, exercise, and nutrition. Most patients know the basics of nutrition and exercise. All we need to do as doctors is give them reminders of how these are connected to their current problems and they will find the motivation to do something about it. For more advanced needs, we act as a resource to help patients battle their conditions and reach their next level of health.

2. There are also mental patterns which arise after a physical stress has been allowed to continue for too long.  As with the basics of nutrition, most patients already have the answers for the mental stresses they’re facing. “Doctor Favero, my back only hurts when I get less than 7 hours of sleep, but there is no way I can get that much sleep – so I just deal with the pain.” Solution? Get more sleep.

So I will do my chiropractic magic, but I also point out how mental strain may be an important factor in your pain and tightness. No, I do not get deep into my patient’s personal life or try to counsel them in any way. All I have to do is listen to them say, “My neck hurts and it has been a really stressful week at work.” Then I repeat it back to them so they realize their stress is affecting their health.

Helping my patients be happy can help them be healthy. I want to help you “be well” and feel complete. You may need to do stretches or exercises to resolve muscle or joint problems I found with my examination. Similarly, you might need to get more sleep or have breaks at work or take a vacation!

happy patients are healthy patients