
How To Shovel Snow Without Hurting Yourself

how to shovel snow without hurting yourself

Do you think it’s even possible to shovel snow without hurting yourself? Read our chiropractic tips on shoveling and give them a try when the next storm hits!

1. Get a shovel that fits your height
There are many different qualities to shovels, but focus first on the size and how it feels in your hands. You should not have to bend down a lot to reach your shovel handle.

2. Alternate arms
Doing things the same way over and over can wear out your muscles and joints faster. Try to change it up and switch to shoveling with the other arm forward.

3. Use your legs, not your back
Feel the difference when you get your legs under the shovel before lifting the snow up. It will prevent the back and ribs from having a lot of pressure – and prevent the most common injuries with snow removal.

4. Take breaks
If you have a big driveway, consider pausing at certain sections along the way to rest and let your muscles relax. You do this same thing when you exercise at the gym, so treat your body like you are doing a workout and rest between sets.

5. Stretch
This can be done before and after shoveling, and shouldn’t take very long to do. As you stretch your arms, back, and legs remember to go nice and slow so they really get a chance to lengthen and relax.

Sound too easy? Try it yourself and see if it helps.

Of course, any time you hurt yourself in the snow or ice it is best to come in for examination and treatment so you can heal properly and get better faster. That snow isn’t going to stop just because your shoulders or back are hurting!