If you have experienced pain in your head without a recent injury – you may be wondering where it comes from, and how to get rid of it.
Stiff joints and tight muscles at the top of the neck can press on nerves going into the back of the head. This can cause pain or pressure into the back of the head and all the way up into the forehead or temples. Read our blog post here for information on this type of headache.
A common type of headache is a migraine, when it is so intense that it even affects your vision, hearing, or balance. Sometimes these symptoms are misdiagnosed as coming from an internal imbalance or intracranial pressure when they actually come from the same cause as tension headaches. Other times it is a more sinister cause that needs more examination to figure out. Medications may help, especially when it follows a pattern. When the pain is acutely intense or unmanageable, it is worth looking into alternative options like chiropractic and massage therapy. This avoids the possible risks of drugs or injections.
Sometimes the first step to resolving your pains is as simple as correcting your posture, such as those suffering from “text neck”. Chiropractic treatment can be combined with these changes in sitting or phone-use habits to help you get better for the long term and not just temporarily.
At Favero Chiropractic our spinal expert, Dr. Favero, will examine your head and neck to determine the most likely causes for your pains (see more here), and then we can get to work helping you feel better!