Chiropractic for Your Colicky Baby
A colicky baby can be tough, but chiropractic can help! It’s bad enough that a mother is recovering from childbirth. Add onto that a newborn
A colicky baby can be tough, but chiropractic can help! It’s bad enough that a mother is recovering from childbirth. Add onto that a newborn
Have you experienced tension in your back or arms from caring for your newborn? Do you get neck or shoulder pains after breastfeeding? These are
Did your child have a recent fall or start complaining of a new pain? Does your colicky newborn have difficulty sleeping or show signs of
It is common to experience new pains in the back, hips, legs, or even neck and head during the months of pregnancy. Your posture changes
Have you ever cared for an inconsolable infant and run out of ideas for helping them? Dr. Robert Hamilton, a pediatrician in California, has a great