
Chiropractic for Your Colicky Baby

Newborn baby

A colicky baby can be tough, but chiropractic can help! It’s bad enough that a mother is recovering from childbirth. Add onto that a newborn with colic and now sleep is almost impossible. 🙁

Colic is a term used for an infant that is inconsolable. They may cry or fuss or be unable to sleep or stay still. They may be hurting or dealing with an underlying problem and just don’t know how to tell you about it. You’ve tried everything you can think of and your beautiful new child just can’t calm down. So what do you do?


At Favero Chiropractic we’ve helped children like yours since we opened our doors in 2015. Dr. Favero has treated children and newborns for many years and will perform an infant examination by looking into the full spine, head and jaw, arms and legs. He’s looking for anything that is causing pain and areas that are tight, stiff, or not moving and functioning properly. It’s amazing how big of a difference one little thing can make. He’ll review his findings with you and explain what treatment is recommended for your child.


Then Dr. Favero will apply gentle chiropractic treatments to help restore your baby’s health and well-being. He uses his hands as well as a small “tapping” tool over the bones. It’s much like adjusting an adult, but done in a lightweight type of way. So less force, less pressure, and more of a slow and gentle movement to the areas that need help. He’ll lightly stretch and massage tight areas and coax into place the joints having problems. It’s not all about bones and muscles. There are also nervous system conditions that often need attention.

He will explain that his goal is to see if there’s anything going on that he can help with. If he finds problems, he’ll provide treatment and reschedule usually for 1 week to continue the treatment plan and check on their status. The good thing about chiropractic is that it is safe and effective. Your child may experience slight soreness after treatment, but kids are so resilient that they usually do great. We ask you to pay attention to any change in their behavior, and you’ll often notice improvements already after the first appointment.


Pregnancy can be hard on a mother and birthing can be traumatic for everyone involved! But it’s a beautiful process and chiropractic can help during and after the “big day”. Besides colic, we also help infants dealing with problems eating (breastfeeding, latching, reflux, vomiting or excessive spitting up), sleeping, torticollis and head turning preferences, gassiness and stomach troubles, indigestion and constipation. We treat expectant mothers and their children regularly, so don’t hesitate to give us a call to find out more.