Don’t let the white hair fool you, I’m still a hard working guy. No lush retirement for me, because the world needs Santa now more than ever.
I’m 1749 years old, believe it not (Ho ho ho!), and I have chiropractic to thank for at least some of those jolly years. Let me tell you why it’s done me good – and might just help you too!
Housetop Clatter – First time I saw a chiropractor was from a particularly icy roof. I was trying to get to the chimney one cold Christmas Eve, and as I climbed over I made quite a clatter as I slipped on the snow-packed ledge. Watch your footing this winter, because that ice is as naughty as the worst kids out there.
Driving the Sleigh – Like many of you, there are times I sit way too much. You’d think it’s all go go go, but there’s a lot of distance to cover on the sleigh, and the 365 days between each big day consists of a LOT of desk work. Whether sitting while driving or at the desk, it all adds up to the same problem of tight legs, stiff back, and sometimes on up into the neck. The weight of this beard is enough for my neck to handle already! Ho ho ho!
Posture with Presents – Ok, one last tip from Saint Nick. When carrying heavy presents, it pays to take your time. I don’t care how busy you are, if you hurt your back trying to save a minute you’ll regret it. Chiropractic might help put you all back together, but it’s best not to hurt yourself in the first place. Mrs. Claus has had to rub my aching back with peppermint enough times to turn her hands into candy canes.
The hands-on treatment from a skilled chiropractor has kept me from crying or pouting, and if you could hear Donner’s story you’d be amazed at how much they can help reindeer too. 😉 They can sure move our old bones, and get us back to leaping and flying faster than an elf can build a toy horse (and that’s fast!).
So I give my round-bellied recommendation for chiropractic care. It’s a kind of magic all its own, and well worth a try if you’re feeling anything less than jolly – any time of the year.