
Why Chiropractic is About Wellness

wellness nature field flowers dandelion

Wellness and chiropractic go together like spring weather and dandelions…in a good way. This is because chiropractors look at the body as a whole and try to figure out what it needs to be well. In fact, being well is such a focus for Favero Chiropractic that it’s right on our main logo: Be Well.

Chiropractors are primary care providers, which means they have lots of people come in for lots of different problems and they use their expertise to figure out how to best help them. Through some good questions and specific physical examination they will determine a diagnosis (best educated guess) that points them in the right direction for proper treatment of the condition. This might all be done at the chiropractor’s office or it could be with the help of other specialists. 

Being Well

What is standing in the way of YOUR being well? We realize it could be one thing or a combination of a bunch of crazy stuff. Whatever it is, we are here for you. We’d like to help if you’d give us a chance.

Hopefully, we can help you progress to a point where Dr. Favero can say, “Congratulations, you are doing so much better that we’re going a full month until your next appointment!” We like to call that stage of your journey Wellness Care. It’s so much easier to help you stay well once we’ve got you well. Now we can focus on the simple things that come along and clear them out of the path so you can keep moving forward.

Pain is usually a big focus at the beginning of a patient’s care, but now that it has lessened (or gone away completely) we can address the tight and stiff areas while promoting proper movement and function. After all, it’s usually these problems that add up over time to become the pain.

More Reasons

Wellness is something that can be addressed all along the healing process, so it can be more than just one big goal to reach someday. Here are some good reasons that chiropractic can be a great resource for you:

7 Reasons Why Chiropractic is About Wellness