Headaches and migraines are a common occurrence for many people – but that does not mean they are normal. Our bodies are not meant to be in constant pain or be a source of agony.
If you think your headaches are just “normal” and everybody else gets them, think again. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, Oct 2012 Fact Sheet No. 277), it is estimated that 47% of adults have experienced at least one headache within the last year. However, it noted that experiencing headaches on “15 or more days every month” affects only between 1.7 – 4% of the world’s adult population.
Chiropractors examine the neck and head to determine the cause of headaches, then treat them with chiropractic manipulation and related therapies for the muscles and nerves.
We are saying two things: first, you are unique! Not everybody out there suffers from headaches or migraines like you do. Second, chiropractic helps. Coming in for chiropractic treatment has helped many people get relief for their headaches and you may also be among those that can be treated at Favero Chiropractic. We address the cause of your headaches and walk you through each step of the process so you understand how it is working. Whether it is posture, diet, recurring trauma, or previous injury, we will do all we can to discover the problem and help you feel better!
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