With Halloween over, and Thanksgiving/Christmas ahead, now’s as good a time as any for the gentle reminder: be nice to your body.
A recent study by Harvard researchers showed 85% of adults put more focus on getting to work on time than eating properly.
Ok, that’s not a real study, but it sounds true, doesn’t it?

What keeps you from treating your body like a 5 star, Grade A, fancy pants mansion? Your body is an awesome home to all your inner treasures, and when working right can help you do fantastic things.
That’s why I like chiropractic so much. It helps the body do what it’s supposed to, and without all the crazy side effects of so many other options that people use to try to feel better.
What would you pay to make sure your body is working right?
Think about all the money you put into your car on a regular basis so it runs properly. Fuel, oil changes, car wash, registration, upgrades, repairs.
Isn’t your body a little more important than your car?
Yet there actually is money we end up spending on our bodies when we put off our health for other more pressing priorities.
Now think of the cash you fork out when you have been in pain for too long and finally need urgent or emergency care: pain pills, muscle relaxants, doctors visits, lost pay from sick days – not to mention missed opportunities like hiking, playing with children or grandkids, not exercising because of pain, etc.
One visit to the emergency room in acute pain could have paid for several chiropractic treatments with less pain and even “an ounce of prevention” to keep it from getting so bad.
Just some food for thought. I am biased because I’m a chiropractor, but don’t think I’m just out to get more patients. This is stuff I believe in and follow. I’ve seen patients go through the cycle of delaying treatment until it was severe and time-consuming, and I’ve even experienced it myself. But now I find myself seeing the chiropractor before the pain comes, or when it is just beginning, so I don’t reach that emergency code-red panic that comes with what I call “high catastrophe living.”